Students test Polynesian canoe models in the UM wave tank featured image

Students test Polynesian canoe models in the UM wave tank

Fifth graders from Brick Elementary School visited the Marine Hydrodynamics Lab to test their Hōkūleʻa styled canoe models in the Wind Wave tank. In partnership with the School of Education, Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering (NAME) hosted 28 fifth graders from Brick Elementary School in Ypsilanti. The students had recently spent time learning about the…

Fifth graders from Brick Elementary School visited the Marine Hydrodynamics Lab to test their Hōkūleʻa styled canoe models in the Wind Wave tank.

Students from Brick Elementary School visit the MHL
Students from Brick Elementary School visit the Aaron Friedman Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory to test their canoe models.

In partnership with the School of Education, Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering (NAME) hosted 28 fifth graders from Brick Elementary School in Ypsilanti. The students had recently spent time learning about the Wayfaring culture of the Polynesian people and, with the help of NAME students, designed their own model canoes in the traditional style.

Teams of 2 to 3 students were able to test their models and work with current NAME students to make modifications to their vessels to improve the stability and speed of their canoes.

The students were also given a tour of the facility including the tow tank, model shop, and cavitation channel within the Marine Hydrodynamics Lab.

This project was inspired by a similar initiative created by the Polynesian Voyaging Society. You can learn more about the Model Wa’a project at the link below.

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