MSE/MBA Degree

The Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NAME) within the Rackham School of Graduate Studies and The Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan offer a dual degree program enabling a small number of qualified students to pursue concurrent work in naval architecture and marine engineering and business administration studies leading to the MBA/MSE degrees.

The program is arranged so that all requirements are completed in three years of enrollment. The degrees are awarded simultaneously.  This combined degree program is not open to students who have earned either the MBA or MSE (NAME) degree. Students already registered in the first year of either program may apply.


MBA Requirements:

  • 45 Business Administration credits made up of:
    • Roughly 30 credit hour MBA core (no credit awarded for Business Administration core courses successfully waived, credit must be earned with Business electives)
    • Roughly 15 elective hours in Business Administration
    • MBA Communication Requirement
  • Up to 12 credit hours of transferable electives from the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

MSE (NAME) Requirements:

  • 18 total NAME credits minimum, made up of:
    • 15 credits of which must be at the 500-level or above, the remaining
    • 3 credits can be 400-level or above
  • Required Course – MATH for Naval Architects (NA 500, 3 credits)
  • One (1) cognate course (level 400 and up) – Engineering or another Math course outside NAME
  • Any remaining credits will be of approved coursework (not all students will need this if they already have earned 30 credits by fulfilling the first three requirements)

Read this before you apply

Due to the significant overlap between the MBA requirements and the MSE (NAME) requirements, the total credit hours for the dual degree program could range from 63 to 69, depending upon the graduate specialty area in the NAME department and the background of the student. No course work completed prior to admission in either program may be counted toward the MBA requirement of the dual program.

The dual program may begin with studies in either school. However, because of the sequenced nature of core courses in the MBA program, most students will find it advantageous to start with year one in the Business School. During year two courses are taken in both schools. Students will finish the program in NAME. Students who wish to begin in NAME should see a counselor in the Business School to arrange an appropriate plan of study.

Ready to Apply?

Applicants interested in the MBA/MSE (NAME) program must file separate applications to and be admitted by both schools. Applicants must indicate on both applications that they are applying for this specific dual degree program.

Michigan’s Ross School of Business applicants must take the GMAT for admission.
The Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering  GRE requirements are:

  • Required for all applicants to the MS program from Non-US institutions.
  • Optional for applicants to the MS program from US institutions.

Apply to Michigan’s Ross School of Business

Apply to the MSE in NAME 


Due to the significant overlap between the MBA requirements and the MSE (NAME) requirements, the total credit hours for the dual degree program could range from 63 to 69, depending upon the graduate specialty area in the NAME department and the background of the student. No course work completed prior to admission in either program may be counted toward the MBA requirement of the dual program.

The dual program may begin with studies in either school. However, because of the sequenced nature of core courses in the MBA program, most students will find it advantageous to start with year one in the Business School. During year two courses are taken in both schools. Students will finish the program in NAME. Students who wish to begin in NAME should see a counselor in the Business School to arrange an appropriate plan of study.


Applicants interested in the MBA/MSE (NAME) program must file separate applications to and be admitted by both schools. Applicants must indicate on both applications that they are applying for this specific dual degree program.

Michigan’s Ross School of Business applicants must take the GMAT for admission.
The Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering applicants must take the GRE for admission.