Student Organizations
NAME students participate in these and many other student organizations. There are many opportunities to get involved at the College, U-M and in the community. There’s more to your experience here than just the classroom; get involved in organizations that fit your goals and interests.
Quarterdeck Society

The Quarterdeck Honorary Society at the University of Michigan is an organization dedicated to providing service to the NAME Department as well as to the field of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering in general. Quarterdeck is a division of the UM Student Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME).
Electric Boat

Michigan Electric Boat was established for the purpose of advancing sustainable technology and promoting its capabilities. Our members come from all walks of life, but we all share important purpose
Instagram: UofMElectricBoat

Michigan RoboSub is a student-led competitive engineering team working to design and build an autonomous robotic sub for the annual RoboSub competition.
Instagram: michiganrobosub
Human Powered Sub

If the U-M Human Powered Sub team was a country, it would have the 32nd largest submarine fleet in the world, tied with Canada at 4 submarines! The team competes every other year in the International Submarine Race, raising public awareness of underwater technology.
Sailing Team

Concrete Canoe


The U-M::Autonomy team competes in the annual AUVSI (Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International) Foundation Roboboat competition with an autonomous boat built by team members.
Instagram: umautonomy