
Wherever we go, we always Go Blue. The relationship between NA&ME alumni, students and the department is one of the things that makes us unique. There are many ways for Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering alumni to stay connected.

Robin White sings the Michigan fight song during the annual CoE Homecoming Tailgate at the U-M Golf Course Clubhouse in Ann Arbor, MI on November 1, 2014. Photo: Joseph Xu, Michgian Engineering Communications & Marketing

Have a new job?

Help us keep our NA&ME salary and job placement information up to date! Take the survey.
Your identity and salary will be kept confidential.

Stay connected

A group of five students and the Lab Manager for ENGR100-600 stand on a platform over the towing tank, lowering a remotely operated vehicle for class. They are focused and testing the device. A yellow kayak floats beneath them and large coiled flotation devices are stacked in the background.


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Tell Us What You’re Doing

If you are an alumnus or alumna and would like to get on our mailing list, set up a visit, give us some news for the newsletter or just say hi, please contact us.

Be a Guest Speaker

Present a lecture at one of our Tuesday afternoon Community Project luncheons. Contact Jasmine Marshall-Sprehe ([email protected]) to sign up.

Join the Conversation

Visit Us

Alumni are always welcome back to campus to visit former faculty and staff or get a tour of our facilities.

Come Back for Homecoming

Michigan Engineering Homecoming Weekend is the perfect opportunity to come back to campus and reconnect with friends and former faculty. Interact with student teams, visit your department, attend the alumni board meeting and tailgate before the big game.

Quarterdeck Society Honorary Commodore

Each spring, Quarterdeck recognizes an Honorary Commodore, chosen for their strong support of the society and the department. This individual is honored at the annual spring banquet.


Cover page of Nautilus Alumni Magazine 2024.
Cover page of Nautilus Alumni Magazine 2021.
Cover page of Nautilus Alumni Magazine 2023.
Cover page of Nautilus Alumni Magazine 2020.
Cover page of Nautilus Alumni Magazine 2022.
Cover page of Nautilus Alumni Magazine 2019.