Robert F. Beck

Professor Emeritus




(734) 764-0282

Research Interests

Active areas of research are all in the field of marine hydrodynamics, including resistance, seakeeping, maneuvering and offshore. In general, the research is a combination of analytical, numerical and experimental investigations. The most recent research has been in the development of techniques to solve fully nonlinear water wave problems. This work builds on the linear computations made using the Neumman-Kelvin approach for wave resistance and time-domain analysis for ship motions problems. The fully nonlinear calculations are done in the time domain starting from rest. An Euler-Lagrange time marching procedure is used in which the free surface boundary condition and body equation of motion are used to update the conditions on the free surface and body surface respectively. The entire technique has been designed for high-speed computations. Details of the method are described and an application to highly nonlinear shallow water waves is presented. Seakeeping and wave resistance calculations for bodies of mathematical form are given. Improved numerical methods are discussed. Arbitrary geometry and transom stern considerations are presented in.

Research areas:
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Courses Taught

  • ENG 100 Introduction to Engineering
  • ENG 101 Introduction to Computers and Programming
  • NA 200 Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
  • NA 201 Form Calculations and Stability
  • NA 270 Ship Design I
  • NA 270 Marine Design
  • NA 302 Static Stability of Marine Vehicles
  • NA 320 Ship Resistance and Propulsion I
  • NA 401 Small Craft Design
  • NA 403 Sailing Craft Design Principles
  • NA 420 Ship Resistance and Propulsion II
  • NA 440 Ship Dynamics II
  • NA 475 Senior Design Project
  • NA 490 Directed Study, Research, and Special Problems
  • NA 520 Ship Resistance and Propulsion III
  • NA 520 Wave Loads on Ships and Offshore Structures
  • NA 520 Marine Hydrodynamics III
  • NA 521 Directed Study and Research in Marine Hydrodynamics
  • NA 522 Experimental Marine Engineering
  • NA 525 Naval Hydrodynamics I
  • NA 526 Naval Hydrodynamics II
  • NA 540 Ship Dynamics III
  • NA 590 Reading and Seminar in Naval Architecture
  • NA 621 Experimental Marine Hydrodynamics
  • NA 625 Special Topics in Marine Hydrodynamics

New Courses Taught at UM:

  • ENG 100 Introduction to Engineering (Yacht Design Section), Fall 1999, 107 students. Taught twice since. NA 200 Introduction to NAME (one of four mini-courses), Fall 1975, 50 students.
  • NA 320 Ship Resistance and Propulsion I, Fall 1980, (major revision), 21 students. Taught 2 times since. NA 401 Small Craft Design, Fall 1973, (major revision), 19 students. Taught 2 times since.
  • NA 403 Sailing Craft Design Principles, Fall 1973, 38 students. Taught 21 times since.
  • NA 420 Ship Resistance and Propulsion II, Fall 1976, 54 students. Taught 5 times since.
  • NA 440 Ship Dynamics II, Fall 1972, 45 students. Taught 2 times since.
  • NA 525 Naval Hydrodynamics I, Winter 1977, (major revision), 17 students. Taught 2 times since.
  • NA 540 Ship Dynamics III, Winter 1978, 7 students. Taught twice since.
  • NA 270 Ship Design I, Fall 1983. Taught 3 times since.
  • NA 520 Marine Hydrodynamics III, Winter 1991, 9 students. Taught twice since.
  • NA 520 Wave Loads on Ships and Offshore Structures, Winter 1998, 13 students. Taught 5 times since.


Chapters in Books

  • Beck, R.F., Cummins, W., Dalzell J., Mandel, P., and Webster, W. (1989) “Motions in Waves,” Chapter in Principles of Naval Architecture, The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.
  • Beck, R.F. and Magee, A . (1991) “Time-Domain Analysis for Predicting Ship Motions,” Developments in Marine Technology: 7: Dynamics of Marine Vehicles and Structures in Waves , Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam.
  • Beck, R.F. (1999) “Fully Nonlinear Water Wave Computations Using a Desingularized Euler-Lagrange Time-Domain Approach,” Nonlinear Water Wave Interaction , International Series on Advances in Fluid Mechanics, Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, UK.

Articles in Journal, Transactions or Archives:

  • Beck, R.F. (1971) “The Wave Resistance of a Thin Ship with a Rotational Wake,” Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 196-216.
  • Beck, R.F., Newman, J.N. and Tuck, E.O. (1975) “Hydrodynamic Forces on Ships in Dredged Channels,” Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 166-171.
  • Beck, R.F. (1977) “Forces and Moments on a Ship Moving in a Shallow Channel,” Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 107-120.
  • Beck, R.F. (1981) “Hydrodynamic Forces Caused by a Ship in Confined Waters,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, No. EM3, pp. 523-546.
  • Beck, R.F and Troesch, A.W . (1980) “Wave Diffraction Effects in Head Seas,” International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 27, pp. 306-315.
  • Beck, R.F. and Cohen, S . (1983) “Experimental and Theoretical Hydrodynamic Forces on a Mathematical Model in Confined Waters,” Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 75-89.
  • Beck, R.F. and Liapis, S . (1987) “Transient Motions of Floating Bodies at Zero Forward Speed,” Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 164-176.
  • Doctors, L.J. and Beck, R.F. (1987) “Numerical Aspects of the Neumann-Kelvin Problem,” Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 1-13.
  • Doctors, L.J. and Beck, R.F. (1987) “Convergence Properties of the Neumann-Kelvin Problem for a Submerged Body,” Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 227-234.
  • Beck, R.F. and King, B (1989) “Time-Domain Analysis of Wave Exciting Forces on Floating Bodies at Zero Forward Speed,” Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 11, No. 1.
  • Beck, R.F. and Loken, A . (1989) “Three-Dimensional Effects in Ship Relative-Motion Problems,” Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 261-269.
  • Reed, A.M., Beck, R.F., Griffin, O.M. and Peltzer, R.O. (1990) “Hydrodynamics of Remotely Sensed Surface Ship Wakes,” Transactions Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Vol. 98, pp. 319-364
  • Cao, Y ., Schultz, W. and Beck, R.F. (1991) “A Three-Dimensional Desingularized Boundary Integral Method for Potential Problems,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 12, pp. 785-803.
  • Bertram, V., Schultz, W., Cao, Y ., and Beck R.F. (1991) “Nonlinear Computations for Wave Drag, Lift and Moment of a Submerged Spheroid,” Schiffstechnik , Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 3-6.
  • Griffin, O., Peltzer, R., Reed, A. and Beck, R.F. (1992) “Remote Sensing of Surface Ship Wakes,” Naval Engineers Journal, Vol. 104, Number 3, pp. 245-258.
  • Cao, Y ., Beck R.F. and Schultz, W. (1993) “Numerical Computations of Two-Dimensional Solitary Waves Generated by Moving Disturbances,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 17, pp. 905-920.
  • Beck, R.F. (1994) “Time-Domain Computations for Floating Bodies,” Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 16, pp. 267-282.
  • Beck, R.F., Reed, A.M. and Rood, E.P. (1996) “Application of Modern Numerical Methods in Marine Hydrodynamics,” Transactions Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Vol. 104, pp. 519-537.
  • Celebi, M.S . and Beck, R.F. (1997) “Geometric Modeling for Fully Nonlinear Ship-Wave Interactions,” Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 17-25.
  • Celebi, M.S ., Kim, M.H. and Beck, R.B. (1998) “Fully Nonlinear 3-D Numerical Wave Tank Simulation,” Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 33-45.
  • Scorpio, S.M . and Beck, R.F. (1998) “A Multipole Accelerated Desingularized Method for Computing Nonlinear Wave Forces on Bodies,” Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol. 120, pp. 71-76.
  • Beck, R.F. and Reed, A.M. (2001) “Modern Computational Methods for Ships in a Seaway,” Transactions, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Vol. 109, pp. 1-52.
  • Finn, P ., Beck, R.F., Troesch, A.W. and Shin, Y.S. (2002) “Nonlinear Impact Loading in an Oblique Seaway,” Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol. 125, No. 3, pp. 190-197.
  • Kim, K ., Sirviente, A., and Beck R.F. (2005) “The Complementary RANS Equations for the Simulation of Viscous Flows,” International. Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol.48, No. 2, pp. 199-229
  • Zhang, X and Beck, R.F. (2006) “Large Amplitude Two-Dimensional Body Motions in Waves,” accepted for publication Journal of Engineering Mathematics

Bound Conference or Symposium Proceedings:

  • Beck, R.F. and Tuck, E.O. (1971) “Heave and Pitch of Ships in Shallow Water,” 4th Australasian Conference on Hydrodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 272-279.
  • Beck, R.F. and Tuck, E.O. (1972) “Computation of Shallow Water Ship Motions,” Proceedings 9th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Paris, France, pp. 1543-1587.
  • Beck, R.F. (1973) “Present Status of the Slender-Body Theory for Ship Motions in Shallow Water,” Workshop on Slender-Body Theory, the University of Michigan.
  • Ogilvie, T.F. and Beck, R.F. (1973) “Transfer Function for Predicting Ship Motion: A Review of the Theory,” Seakeeping Symposium, Webb Institute of Naval Architecture, Glen Cove, NY, pps 71-92.
  • Beck, R.F. (1979) “Slender-Body Theory Applied to Ships in Confined Water,” paper presented to the American Society of Civil Engineers/Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference, Austin, Texas.
  • Beck, R.F. (1982) “Relative Motion Components for a Mathematical Form in Regular Waves,” 14th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Ann Arbor, Michigan, pp. 453-506.
  • Beck, R.F. (1983) “Report of the Seakeeping Committee,” 20th American Towing Tank Conference, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, pp. 887-929
  • Liapis, S . and Beck, R.F. (1985) “Seakeeping Computations Using Time-Domain Analysis,” Proceedings, Fourth International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, National Academy of Sciences, pp. 34-56.
  • King, B . and Beck, R.F. (1987) “Time-Domain Analysis of Wave Exciting Forces,” Second International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, University of Bristol, United Kingdom.
  • King, B ., Beck, R.F. and Magee, A . (1988) “Seakeeping Calculations with Forward Speed Using Time-Domain Analysis,” 17th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, The Hague, Netherlands, pp. 577-596.
  • Magee, A . and Beck R.F. (1988) “Nonlinear Motion in the Time Domain,” Third International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Swope Center, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Massachusetts, pp. 113-116.
  • Magee, A . and Beck, R.F. (1989) “Vectorized Computations of the Time-Domain Green Function,” Fourth International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Hardangerfjord Hotel, Oystese, Norway.
  • Cao, Y ., Schultz, W. and Beck R.F. (1989) “Numerical Investigation on the Desingularization of Boundary Integral Equations for Three-Dimensional Potential Flow Problems,” Fourth International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Hardangerfjord Hotel, Oystese, Norway.
  • Cao, Y ., Schultz, W. and Beck R.F. (1990) “Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Wave Computation by Desingularized Boundary Integral Methods,” 5th International Workshop on Water Wave and Floating Bodies, Manchester, England.
  • Cao, Y ., Schultz, W and Beck, R.F. (1990) “Three-Dimensional, Unsteady Computations of Nonlinear Waves Caused by Underwater Disturbances,” presented at the 18th ONR Symposium, Ann Arbor, Michigan, pp. 417-426.
  • Meadows, G., Lyzenga, D., Lyden, J. and Beck, R.F. (1990) “Nonintrusive, Multiple-Point Measurements of Water Surface Slope, Elevation, and Velocity,” presented at the 18th ONR Symposium, Ann Arbor, Michigan, pp. 349-360.
  • Cao, Y ., Schultz, W. and Beck, R.F. (1991) “Two-Dimensional Solitary Waves Generated by a Moving Pressure on the Free Surface,” 6th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Swope Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, pp. 25-30.
  • Cao, Y ., Lee, T . and Beck R.F. (1992) “Computation of Nonlinear Waves Generated by Floating Bodies,” 7th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Val de Reuil, France, pp. 47-50. Cohen, S . and Beck R.F. (1992) “Initial Seakeeping Tests on an IACC Yacht Hull Model: Two Ballast Conditions”, 23rd American Towing Tank Conference, New Orleans, LA.
  • Cao, Y., Schultz, W. and Beck R.F. (1992) “Inner-Angle Wavepockets in an Unsteady Wake,”19th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Seoul, S. Korea, pp. 571-588.
  • Beck, R.F. (1992) “Time-Domain Computations for Offshore Structures,” NSF Workshop on Riser Mechanics, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  • Cao, Y ., Beck, R.F. and Schultz, W. (1993) “An Absorbing Beach for Numerical Simulations of Nonlinear Waves in a Wave Tank,” 8th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, St. John’s, Newfoundland, pp. 16-19.
  • Beck, R.F., Cho, Y . and Lee, T-H . (1993) “Fully Nonlinear Water Wave Computations Using Desingularized Method,” Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, University of Iowa, pp. 3-20.
  • Cao, Y ., Beck, R.F. and Schultz, W. (1994) “Nonlinear Computations of Wave Loads and Motions of Floating Bodies in Incident Waves,” 9th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Kizu, Japan.
  • Beck, R.F., Cao, Y ., Scorpio, S . and Schultz, W (1994) “Nonlinear Ship Motion Computations Using the Desingularized Method, Proceedings 20th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, pp. 227-247.
  • Beck, R.F. and Scorpio, S . (1995) “A Desingularized Boundary Integral Method for Fully Nonlinear Water Wave Problems,” Proceedings 12th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, pp. 255-258.
  • Scorpio, S . and Beck, R.F. (1996) “A Multipole Accelerated Desingularized Method for Computing Nonlinear Wave Forces on Bodies,” Proceedings 15th Int. Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Florence, Italy, pp. 15-22.
  • Scorpio, S ., Beck, R.F. and Korsmeyer, T . (1996) “Nonlinear Water Wave Computations Using a Multipole Accelerated, Desingularized Method,” Proceedings 21st Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway, pp. 64-75.
  • Scorpio, S . and Beck, R.F. (1997) “Two-Dimensional Inviscid Transom Stern Flow,” Proceedings 12th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Carry-le-Rouet, France pp. 221-226.
  • Subramani, A ., Beck, R.F. and Schultz, W. (1998) “Suppression of Wave-Breaking in Nonlinear Water Waves Computations,”13th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Alpha aan den Rijn, Netherlands, pp. 139-142.
  • Subramani, A ., Beck, R.F. and Scorpio, S . (1998) “Fully Nonlinear Free-Surface Computations for Arbitrary and Complex Hull Forms,” Proceedings 22nd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Washington, DC, pp. 390-402.
  • Subramani, A ., and Beck, R.F. (2000) “Suppression of Wave Breaking in Nonlinear Water Wave Computations Including Forward Speed,” 15th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Caesarea, Israel, pp. 170-173.
  • Beck, R.F. and Reed, A.M. (2000) “Modern Seakeeping Computations for Ships,” Proceedings 23rd ONR Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Val de Reuil, France.
  • Jensen, J., Beck, R.F., Du, S., Faltinsen, O., Fonseca, N., Rizzuto, E., Stredulinsky, D. Watanabe, I. (2000) “Extreme Hull Girder Loading,” Report of the Extreme Hull Girder Loading Committee (R.F. Beck and O. Faltinsen responsible for Section 2), Proceedings 14th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress 2000, Nagasaki, Japan.
  • Martin, D . and Beck, R.F. (2001) “PCSAIL, A Velocity Prediction Program for a Home Computer,” Proceedings of 15th Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland, pp. 99-116.
  • Finn, P ., Beck, R.F., Troesch, A.W. and Shin, Y. (2001) “Nonlinear Impact Loading in an Oblique Seaway,” Proceedings 20th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • De Conti, M. and Beck, R.F. (2003) “Some Considerations About B-Spline Hull Surface Representation,” Havana, Cuba. Kim, K ., Beck, R.F. and Sirviente, A. (2003) “A Viscous-Inviscid Interaction Study Using Complementary RANS Equations,” Proceedings, 8th International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, Busan, Korea, pp. 248-260.
  • Maki, K ., Troesch, A.W. and Beck, R.F. (2004) “Qualitative Investigation of Transom Stern Flow Ventilation,” , Proceedings, 19th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Cortona, Italy.
  • Kim, K ., Sirviente, A. and Beck, R.F. (2004) “Complementary RANS Equations for Viscous Flow Computations,” Proceedings, 25th ONR Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, St. Johns, Newfoundland.
  • Dommermuth, D., Sussman, M., Beck, R.F., O’Shea, T, Wyatt, D., Olson, K. and MacNeice, P. (2004) “The Numerical Simulation of Ship Waves Using Cartesian Grid Methods with Adaptive Mesh Refinement,” Proceedings, 25th ONR Symposium on Naval Hydrodyanmics, St. Johns, Newfoundland.
  • Maki, K.J ., Doctors, L.J., Beck, R.F. and Troesch, A.W. (2005) “Transom Stern Flow for High-Speed Craft,” Proceedings, 8th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, FAST 2005, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
  • Maki, K.J ., Beck, R.F. and Troesch, A.W. (2005), “Experimental Validation of Numerically Simulated Unsteady Flow,” Proceedings, 20th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Longyearbyen, Norway.
  • Doctors, L.J. and Beck, R.F. (2005) “The Separation of the Flow Past a Transom Stern,” Proceedings, First International Conference on Marine Research and Transportation, Ischia, Italy. Zhang, X , and Beck, R.F. (2006) “2-D Body-Exact Computations in the Time Domain,” Proceedings 21st International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Loughborough, United Kingdom. Maki, K.J. , Iafrati, A., Rhee, S.H., Beck, R.F., Troesch, A.W. (2006) “The Transom Stern Modeled as a Backward Facing Step,” accepted for presentation at the 26th ONR Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Rome, Italy
  • Zalek, S.F. , Parsons, M.G., and Beck, R.F. (2006) “Multicriterion Design Optimization of Mono-Hull Vessels and Multi-Hull Vessels for Propulsion and Seakeeping,” accepted for presentation at the 26th ONR Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Rome, Italy


  • Beck, R.F. (1967) “Theoretical Study of Relative Motion of a LHA Ship, Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, M.I.T., Report No. 67-2.
  • Beck, R.F. (1969) “The Added Resistance of Ships in Waves,” Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, M.I.T., Report No. 69-7.
  • Beck, R.F. (1969) “A Computerized Procedure for Prediction of Seakeeping Performance,” Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, M.I.T., Report No. 69-2.
  • Troesch, A.W . and Beck, R.F. (1974) “Experiments on Ship Motions in Shallow Water,” Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, the University of Michigan, Report No. 149.
  • Woodward, J., Beck, R.F., Scher, R . and Cary, C . (1975) “Feasibility of Sailing Ships for the American Merchant Marine,” Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, the University of Michigan, Report No. 168.
  • Beck, R.F. (1976) “Forces and Moments on a Ship Moving in a Canal,” Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, the University of Michigan, Report No. 179.
  • Beck, R.F. (1979) “User Manual for Head Seas Wave Diffraction Computer Program,” Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  • Beck, R.F. (1980) “Modification of NEWBARGE to include the Effects of Flume Tanks,” Exxon Production Research Report. Beck, R.F. (1980) “Documentation and User’s Manual for the SHIP.FORT Computer Program,” Exxon Production Research Report.
  • Beck, R.F. (1980) “Three Techniques for Jacket Tow Analysis,” Exxon Production Research Report. Papoulias, F.A . and Beck, R.F. (1988) “WAVEAMP: A Program for Computation of Wave Elevations Created by a Ship Traveling at a Constant Speed,” the University of Michigan Program in Ship Hydrodynamics, Technical Report No. 88-03.
  • Magee, A . and Beck, R.F. (1984) “The Way of a Ship,” Science at the San Diego Supercomputer Center, San Diego, California. Magee, A . and Beck, R.F. (1988) “Compendium of Ship Motion Calculations Using Linear Time-Domain Analysis,” Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, the University of Michigan, Report No. 310.
  • Meadows, L., Meadows, G., Troesch, A.W., Cohen, S., Beier, K.P., Beck R.F. and Reed, A. (1989) “LaGrangian Velocity Profiles in a Wake of a High-Speed Vessel,” the University of Michigan Program in Ship Hydrodynamics.
  • Cohen, S., Beck, R.F., Ashcroft, F., and Opas, G . (1991) “Model Tests of an IACC Yacht Hull Under Two Ballast Conditions,” Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory, University of Michigan, Report No. 390472.
  • Cohen, S. and Beck, R.F. (1992) “Model Tests of an IACC Yacht Hull Under Two Moments of Inertia and at a Heel and Yaw Angle,” Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory, University of Michigan, Report No. 390824.
  • Royce, R . and Beck, R.F. (1993) “Offshore Racing Council Survey,” Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, University of Michigan, Report No. 325.
  • Zalek, S ., Beck, R.F., Ceccio, S., and Reed, A. (2004) “High-Speed Model Testing With Drag Reduction,” Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, University of Michigan, Report No. 349.

Ph.D. Committees Chaired:

  • Armin W. Troesch, The Diffraction Potential for a Slender Ship Moving Through Oblique Waves, 1975
  • Tin-Woo Yung, Hydrodynamic Interactions Between Ships in Shallow Water, 1977
  • Charles M. Cary, An Analytical Alternative to the Planar Motion Mechanism for a Ship in Shallow Water, 1980
  • Surasak Sri-Aroon, Advanced Approach to the Design of Simplified Hull Form, 1982
  • Stergios Liapis, Initial Value Problem for the Motion of a Ship, 1985
  • Brad King, Exciting Forces using Time Domain Analysis, 1987
  • Ted Kelly, The Interaction of Rotational Flows with Free Surfaces, 1989
  • Jin-Sug Chung, Slow Motion Dynamics of Two-Line Towed/Moored Ships, (co-chair with M. Bernitsas) 1991
  • Allan Magee, Nonlinear Time-Domain Ship Motions, 1991
  • Yusong Cao, Computations of Nonlinear Gravity Waves by a Desingularized Boundary Integral Method, 1991
  • Tzung-Hang Lee, Nonlinear Radiation Problems for a Surface-Piercing Body, 1992
  • Stephen Scorpio, Application of Multipole Acceleration Techniques to Fully Nonlinear Water Wave Problems, 1997
  • Jeng-Horng Chen, Turbulence Generation in Dispersed Particle-Laden Flows, (co-chair with Gerard Faeth) 1999
  • Anil Subramani, Computations of Highly Nonlinear Free-Surface Flows, with Applications to Arbitrary and Complex Hull Forms, 2000
  • Patrick Finn, Large Amplitude Non-Linear Seakeeping Using a Desingularized Method, 2003.
  • Kunho Kim, Viscous-Inviscid Interaction Study Using Modified RANS Equations, 2004
  • William Belknap, A Computationally Efficient Method for Nonlinear Multi-Hull Seakeeping, expected graduation 2007
  • Steven Zalek, Multi-Hull Multi-Criterion Hydrodynamic Optimization, (co-chair with Michael Parsons) expected graduation 2007
  • Xinshu Zhang, Nonlinear Wave-Body Interactions, expected graduation 2007

Master’s and Engineering Degree Thesis:

  • Serdar Celebi, Geometric Modeling for Fully Nonlinear Wave-Body Calculations, 1995
  • Eirik Malthe-Sorensen, Numerical Prediction of Particle Velocity in Steep Water Waves, 1998
  • Trond Idar Grytten, Drift Forces on a Floating Production Ship in Finite Water Depth, 1999