Kartik Praful Naik, Assistant Research Scientist

Kartik Praful Naik

Assistant Research Scientist


113 NAME


Dr. Naik received his Ph.D. from the mechanical and aerospace department in North Carolina State University where he worked on the experimental demonstration and fuse physical design-control system optimization of a novel renewable energy harvesting concept (underwater kites). He continued his work in co-design at the RACElab in NAME as a postdoc switching to reconfigurable turbine arrays. He is now the project manager for an ARPA-E project under the SHARKS program and continues his research on co-design, real-time control implementation on hardware, and tech-to-market avenues for emerging technologies.


  • PhD, North Carolina State, Aerospace Engineering (2019-2022)

Research Interests

My research interests combined control and design optimization (control co-design) of renewable energy systems. I also work on dynamic modeling, estimation and control theory; specifically, dynamic model and performance validation through experimental demonstration and real-time control implementation.

Research areas:

Professional Service

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  • ERASMUS+ Scholarship – Duration of MS