Cryo Genesis ship design wins the Dr. James A. Lisnyk Student Ship Design Competition
Zero emissions liquid hydrogen tanker wins SNAME ship design award.

The Society of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineers (SNAME) has awarded the Lisnyk Student Ship Design Award to the 5 member student-designed ship; Cryo Genesis.
The Competition challenges groups of young people to design theoretical but practical cutting-edge vessels. Open to the world’s colleges and universities supporting maritime careers, the program has fostered teamwork and learning through competition.

The team consists of NAME students Slate Davis, Dimitrios Dikos, Chris DeMartinis, Sonia Gutt, and Jackson Browne with their project advisor, Professor Matthew Collette. Team member Sonia Gutt explains, “Cryo Genesis is a concept design that evaluates the feasibility of transpacific liquid hydrogen shipping. It was designed to meet the growing demand for green hydrogen while maintaining net zero emissions.”